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Open Space Committee Minutes 07/11/2008
Town of Old Lyme Open Space Committee Meeting
Christ the King Church

Minutes: July 11, 2008

Chairman Diana Atwood Johnson opened the meeting at 08:35 with OSC members Amanda Blair, Peter Cable, Christina Clayton, Robert DePianta, George James, and Ted Kiritsis in attendance. Also in attendance was Marty Smith of Real Estate Services of CT to discuss with OSC the Short Hills Properties planned development.

Upon motion by George and second by Ted the minutes of the June 13, 2008 meeting were accepted by vote.

Short Hills Properties LLC
Marty Smith outlined his overall plan for the Short Hills Properties development of the 256 acres containing 6 parcels of land between Short Hills Road and the Boston Post Road. The planned development would be realized in two phases and Smith has submitted the first phase application and plans to the Zoning Commission for a 7-lot subdivision on a portion of the property adjacent to Short Hills Road. The first phase of the plan conforms to current zoning regulations but the second planned phase calls for cluster housing and, as planned, will require a change to current PRCD regulations. Specifically, the changes in PRCD criteria being sought involve: a) size of the project; b) size of the multi-units; and c) the percentage amount of designated open space. The planned cluster housing will result in 170 acres of open space in the planned development and Marty Smith described the intended distribution of that open space. He indicated the overall plan was to make the open space as continuous as feasible and to make it contiguous with existing Town and Nature Conservancy open space. But a portion of the open space would consist of two greens, upon which the cluster housing would front, thereby serving as community greens. Diana suggested that a homeowners association would own the greens subject to conservation easements.

In discussion George suggested that the size and isolation of the planned development indicated the need for a convenience store for small purchases at the development site to reduce the traffic load, particularly with the planned development having no direct access to the Post Road. Marty Smith responded by suggesting that the community would be too small, with 83 planned units, to support a communal store. Smith also noted that there would be emergency fire department access from the Post Road to the Short Hills Properties via an easement on Kus’ road. The issue of public access to the Short Hills Properties open space surrounding the development was discussed, but Marty Smith took no formal position on the question, contending it is a political issue on which he remains neutral. He suggested that OSC could take a firm position supporting public access to the planned development open space. Diana indicated she would want parking spaces for open space access at the end of the public road from the Post Road. George noted that there should be public access at Short Hills Road to the Nature Conservancy land. George also requested of Marty Smith a map of the planned development and the location of open space.

a) Griswold/Whitley Black Hall Woods LLC property
Black Hall Woods LLC has proposed a joint sale to the Black Hall Club and the Town of the previously negotiated Griswold/Whitley property minus 4-lots and rights to water access north of Shore Road, but with the addition of 4-acres south of Shore Road for $880k. On motion by Ted, second by Bob, it was unanimously voted by OSC to recommend rejection of the offer.

b) Ames property
On motion by Ted, second by Amanda, at 10:10 it was voted to go into executive session to discuss Steve Ames’ property. Executive session ended at 10:25 and the regular meeting continued.

a) Woods of Old Lyme
Inland Wetlands Commission has deferred action on the development. Diana met with the property developer, Hussein Mushin, to inspect the property and to discuss with him various open space options discussed by OSC. She reported that developer Mushin was not interested in discussing open space plans.

b) Marsh property, Mile Creek Road
No one from OSC went on the Inland Wetlands Commission walk on July 10, 2008 of the Marsh property consisting of 8 lots on 52.73 acres on Mile Creek Road.

c) David A. Blackburn property
As referred by the Planning Commission, it has been proposed to secure a conservation easement on 8.6 acres of the 14.8 acres of the Blackburn property on Blackwell Lane with a 2-lot subdivision on the remaining land.  On a motion by George, second by Peter, it was voted unanimously that OSC supports the proposed conservation easement.

d) Lord’s Woods subdivision
Diana reported that there has been no activity on remediation at Lord’s Woods: no trees have been planted and there has been no further work on improvements to the level spreader. Regarding the stumps of trees cut on the designated open space, Evan had argued that the stumps should be left to re-sprout, but other OSC members are not persuaded. On a motion by Ted, second by Amanda, it was voted 5 to 1 that OSC insist that the stumps of cut trees on open space land be removed.

OLCT Report
Christina reported on OLCT items of concern. She noted that OLCT is still interested in purchase of the Elyandco property on Hatchetts Hill Road. She also said that it had been reported that the family of Virginia Peterson may want to sell the studio and house on the property. Diana observed that U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service would be involved in such an action.

Old Business
a) I-95 Expansion
Ted indicated there was nothing new to report.

b) Trail Book
Peter reviewed the CT DEP Recreational Trails Program RFP announcement, emphasizing that, while the envisioned trail book could qualify for funding if there were the appropriate emphasis on education in the planned book, the odds for funding seemed low and the project time scale long for OSC purposes. It was the sense of the OSC that seeking funding from the Recreational Trails Program was not an effective strategy for OSC. It was agreed that Peter would attend the September 11 OLCT meeting with a proposal for joint production of an Old Lyme trail book that would include an educational component.

New Business
a) Sale of wood for Open Space Account
George reported on the potential for cutting and selling wood from Town open space land to augment the Open Space Account. From Champlain North and South he estimated that 8-10 cords could be culled. He noted that this plan had been recommended by and had the support of the Town Tree Warden and the State Forrester.

b) Bartholomew Preserve contribution acknowledgement
Bob asked that Diana write a note to True Value thanking them for their donation of building materials for bridges at Bartholomew Preserve.

At 11:10 on a motion by Ted second by George, it was voted to adjourn the meeting to walk Champlain North.

Respectfully submitted,

Peter Cable